Rearranging and Editing Your Footage Resizing Settings Settings

What are Clip Settings?

☕️ TL;DR – Clip Settings allow you to make changes directly to your current Clips without affecting the Project Settings.

In this article you will learn about:

  1. Clip Crop
    1. AutoCrop/Custom Track
    2. Zoom
    3. KeyFrame
  2. Clip Options
    1. Remove Black Bars
    2. Speed
    3. Audio
    4. Reverse
  3. Clip Footer
  4. Captions

Heads up: You need to change the Project Aspect Ratio  to apply AutoCrop. This is accessible from the Settings  panel or from underneath the Workspace in Preview mode.

To view the Clip Settings click the Preview button from the left navigation panel.

Clip Crop

  1. AutoCut | Custom Track : Toggle on the AutoCrop switch to automatically track the moving subject in that Clip. Once it’s enabled the Track Custom Object option will become visible below, allowing you to track a specific part of the video. 
    Head over to the AutoCrop and Custom Track articles to learn more about these powerful tools.
  2. Remove Black Bars : When you toggle on the Remove Black Bars switch, Kamua will detect them and display them in red to indicate they won’t be in your outputs. Use the Show/Hide cropped region button to help you visualise the final result. Head over to the Black Bars article to learn more
  3. Fit Video  : Toggle the switch to fit the entire video frame inside the Crop Box. Head over to the Fit Video  article to learn more about this powerful tool.
  4. Zoom: You can Zoom in and out of your Clip using the blue slider. This will control how much of the video you choose to crop out will represent the final output. Use the Show/Hide cropped region button to help you visualise the final result.
  5. KeyFraming : This allows you to set the position and size of the Crop Box at specific points in your video, to give you full control. This enables you to create panning and/or zooming effects with precision and accuracy. Head over to the KeyFraming  article to learn more about this powerful tool.

Clip Options

  1. Speed : You can set the Speed of your Clip by adjusting the percentage from 100% to 1000% or down to 50%. This will be reflected in the length of that Clip on the Timeline.
  2. Crossfade : Allows you to apply a Crossfade transition between Clips using the Crossfade drop-down. Here you can scroll through and see a preview of each transition before applying.
  3. Fade in : Toggle the switch and select the color of the Fade in and set the duration using the slider.
  4. Fade out : Toggle the switch and select the color of the Fade out and set the duration using the slider.
  5. Audio  : Toggling the Audio switch will mute or unmute the sound for that Clip.
  6. Reverse  : Toggle the Reverse switch to play your Clip in Reverse. You will only be able to see it playback in reverse after you Render your Clip.

Heads up: The Remove Black Bars option will not work if Fit Video is on. 

Clip Footer

  1. Reset  : Allows you reset to Clip Defaults for the properties in Clip Crop and Clip Options. This option will only appear on the Clips where changes have been made.
  2. Copy  : Makes a Copy of the Clip with the current settings to the Timeline
  3. Delete  : Removes the current Clip from the Timeline


Kamua uses AI to generate Captions for you automatically. Once enabled It displays speech in a  word for word format on the screen. Head over to the Captions article to learn more about this powerful tool.

Note: Custom Text and Audio will be available soon


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